Next Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Certification Training Starts This Summer!!!

We are excited to announce our next Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Certification Training beginning this Summer!  Module One is offered July 15-19, 2020. You can find the rest of the training dates, as well as module titles and content for this Certification training here:

Our Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Certification Training is 10 modules with 350 classroom hours and  350 hours of outside-of-class study, for a total of 700 hours. Each module is five days, Wednesday to Sunday from 9:30am to 6pm.

Upon Graduation, Students are eligible to become Registered Craniosacral Therapists (RCST®) a designation granted by the Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America (BCTA/NA).

Click the link above to learn more and register. If you have any questions, we would love to hear from you! Email or call 303-999-9963.

This course is filled with endless discoveries about the body and ourselves. Students are encouraged throughout the course to follow what interests them. The course is taught in a way intended to spark curiosity and build confidence. Students practice engaging with levels and layers of perception that are uncommon in the modern worldview. In a world where we see everything as separate, the ability to make connections is essential. This is the ultimate goal of the course: for students to have a greater facility with, and understanding of, the whole human body and the ability to meet each body, person and story with skill and presence. The world is alive, and a myriad of relationships are occurring in our body and environment every moment. Students learn to reconnect to their own aliveness…to their own living vitality and to the vitality in the living world. This is an essential and necessary skill for a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist, and for anyone working in the field of Biodynamics.

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