What is Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy?

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a holistic bodywork modality. Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapists are trained to recognize a client’s whole body as inherently well, regardless of symptoms or injuries present. Practitioners have an in-depth understanding of the tidal rhythms produced by the cerebrospinal fluid and the qualities of each tide. Therapists are also able to palpate the difference between when an experience or symptom is held in statis or inertia and when it is in relationship to its inherent Health and deeper living quiet, often called dynamic stillness. With this knowledge they can skillfully invite physical and emotional life experiences that have become isolated by pain, strain, disease or trauma to find their way back from isolation to wholeness.

It has been said that over 80% of all medical conditions originate from imbalances in the central nervous system. Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy works directly with the central nervous system  amplifying the cerebral spinal fluid that bathes the spine and brain, supporting  improved nervous system function.

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy can facilitate well-being anywhere in the human body. It is used successfully to recognize and reorganize areas of restriction, and re-educate and re-align physical and emotional imbalances by supporting them to regain contact with their inherent Health. It is also an excellent modality to support transformation and personal growth.

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapists provide the therapeutic space and knowledge for addressing a wide range of conditions by skillfully supporting the body to effectively access its own inherent healing capacity. Therapists are skilled at listening to the Cerebrospinal fluid and recognizing its tidal rhythms. They also have a solid knowledge of anatomy and can recognize both the patterns of restriction and disease and the patterns of health in bones, tissues and fluids.